Monday, April 23, 2012

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

"Current Me"

"Stubble Attempt"

"Me Last Winter With Chin-Strap"

This has been my look since 7th grade for example this is me in 8th grade. "I used to have a chinstrap" I tried the stubble look but my face hair seems like it gets to long and I can't find a trimmer that is precise stubble length. My hair, well as you can see my hairline is pretty receding this is the only style I have enjoyed, If I put my hair down it just doesn't look good at all. Anyways any opinions comments would be great!

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

the last picture, you currently.... wow! you have gorgeous eyes, and i like you better clean shaven.... yes that shirt looks good

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

go with a small patch on your chin. that would go good

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

a mowhawk with a side frindge but no facial hair it makes u look old.

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

The very last picture...clean-shaven.

Gorgeous eyes btw!

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

I like the way you look now!

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

are you really looking for facial hair styles or girlfriends? The chin strap thing is no good, sorry. if you must have the fruit mold on face, do a small patch on your chin and sideburns. Chin straps make everyone's face look pudgy and strange, I don't care how good-looking you are, and full-on fuzz is creepy. a patch on your chin would look well-kept, mature and classy. Good luck! now to all those girls looking to get rid of fuzz...........

Girls Whats a good facial hair or Hair style for me. "Picture Inside"?

I think I like the stubble better than anything... Although your current pic is nice as well. I would either do clean cut (no hair) or stubble. Beautiful blue eyes by the way... =)

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