Monday, April 23, 2012

Grey hair wiskers on facial hair question???????

MY QUESTION IS IAM GETTING GREY HAIR ON MY WISKERS on my face theres noting really odd about that guess just getting older its normal but half of my wiskers have turned grey in a short period of time say 3 months as b4 i had no grey at all i think thats pritty quick thought it would take longer then that is that normal i am heathy there is nothing wrong with me how can they get grey in such a quick time????

Grey hair wiskers on facial hair question???????

I don't think there are any hard and fast rules about greying. It can happen slowly or practically over night. Mine was gradual at first, a grey one here and there, but in the last six months to a year, I am now more than 50% grey. (I turned 50 last year). Just a part of aging. Same thing applies to hair loss. Don't worry, you will only accellerate the process. Just one of those things you can do nothing about. Grow old gracefully, it's natural.

Grey hair wiskers on facial hair question???????

obsessing about it

Grey hair wiskers on facial hair question???????

Normal, happened to me as well. Aggrevating thing for me is I am several years younger than my brothers, really gray beard and lot of gray hair, and they both have almost no gray, so I now look older than them!

Just for Men does work wonders, but you have to use the beard coloring frequently if you have a beard or moustache. The hair color for the head lasts a good month.

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