Monday, April 23, 2012

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

So face is covered with peach fuzz hair, mostly on my cheeks, and chin. I have tried waxing but a break out in a horrible rash. I don't want to shave it, but I need it gone. I have been plucking them out for about 2 months, but it takes so long. I also have really sensitive skin....any suggestions?

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

I read all the answers that I saw , no person has mentioned to you to ask an Endocrinologist about the amount of facial hair that your body is producing. It may be a familial trait that runs in your family, in other words normal in your genetic makeup, to have more facial hair than other families. An endocrine doctor specializes in the study of glands. You may have to be referred by your family doctor though. This hair growth could be produced by an imbalance in your own body. It

is worth checking it out to give you self peace of mind and maybe a solution.

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?


Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

i bleach my facial hair u can get it from a drug store and it really works

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

Nair is a horrible idea! It will burn your skin off. There's a depilatory cream that they make for black men that is similar to Nair, but made especially for the face. In my personal experience, that stuff is pretty caustic as well.

Shaving is a realistic option. It's not going to make them come in thicker or darker, contrary to the old wives tale. It will put sharp edges on the hairs though, so they may feel a little prickly when they show up.

Electrolysis and laser hair removal are probably the best bet for a long term solution. You'll pay a high price in pain and $$ though.

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

Any depilatory cream should do the trick. Also try a face cream that has a hydro-cortisone in it for after, this will help the redness and irritation. Clinique makes one, but I am not sure of the name. It use to be called "exceptionally soothing cream for upset skin", but the name has changed. You could also try laser treatment down the road, however, this is costly. I am sure it is not as bad as you think. We tend to be pretty harsh on ourselves. Good Luck!

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

if u have just a little, then don't worry bout it. 'cause if u shave, it will get thicker

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

everyone has peach fuzz! it's natural %26amp; unless it's dark, don't worry about it. i used to obsess over mine %26amp; had it waxed once....having no peach fuzz made my face weirdly smooth %26amp; it looked worse than the peach fuzz ever did. i will never do that again!

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

I have the same problem with peach fuzz everywhere. Mine is blonde even though I have dark hair, except above my lip where it's a little darker unfortunately. I use the Simplique hair removal thing.

It's a tiny electric razor that gets all the hair off. That's what I've been using so far. It only takes a minute to get most of it.

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

I would't shave it. Hair lightening cream for your face works.

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

Bleaching might work. However, you could end up w/ blond, yellow fuzz that still shows up against your skin.

Another home solution is to use a depilatory designed for the face. The down side is that a depilatory can irritate the skin and it may smell a bit.

You could go to a good, experience aesthetician to have her wax the hair off. It will grow back finer over time. If you have sensitive skin let her know and ask for a cold wax.

It's a good idea to have a soothing balm on hand for afterwards. Aquaphor Healing Ointment is good. You can apply a cold compress and then the balm to sooth the skin.

Waxing isn't all that bad but it takes some getting used to.

Some people prefer hydrocortisone cream, Neosporin or aloe gel.

Note: people using Retin-A or Differin should not wax. These medications thin the skin and waxing could tear off top layers.

Although there are wax strips designed for home use, I don't recommend inexperienced people do this. It is important to take the strip off in the correct direction and you want it to work the first time. Practice may make perfect but you'll have red, blotchy skin.

Threading is another good option. It can be hard to find a salon that provides this service since it's relatively new here.

A permanent solution would be laser removal. It is supposed to be better than electrolysis.

There is also a prescription product called Vaniqa. (

Avoid shaving. It doesn't make hair grow back darker or thicker. It just seems that way because all the hairs grow back with a straight tip and create stubble.


Info. about threading

General info. about hair removal options

Female facial hair, how can i get rid of it?

Never put a razor to your face!! Not only can it cause your hair to grow in thicker and darker (happens to some women but not others), it could cause in-growns which are no fun. There's watching which is a little painful but very affective. The scream can sometimes leave your skin looking red or in some cases with a rash if you don't test it out first. Bleaching works well for lighter complexions. I wouldn't recommend doing it if you have darker skin because it will make the hairs stick out even more.

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