Monday, April 23, 2012

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

ive noticed that when i dont masturbate for like 1 - 1.5 weeks, i grow more leg hair and get more hair for a goatie. but when i do masturbate, it seems like they dont grow. what is the reason for this? am i low in testosterone or somthing? is this normal?

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

umm how old are you? i would not say to stop masturbating, but dont worry about ur freaking leg hair! u like the way it feels so just do it instead of worrying about ur LEG HAIR

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

Ask your hand!!!

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

Are unrelated. It's all in your head Honey.

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

U might want to see a doc about that not yahoo answers!!

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

have you noticed hair on your palms?

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

You're just imagining things. If you were told when you were younger that masterbating will stunt your growth, cause you to go blind, grow fur on the palm of your hand, etc., then your mind is playing tricks on you. Relax and enjoy yourself.

Masturbation and body/facial hair?

Your mind is playing tricks on you.

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