Monday, April 23, 2012

Help with facial hair?

help i have hair above my lip and my parents wont let me wax,pluck,bleach, nair or anything...plucking one by one is to painful!!!help what should i do!!its really noticable...any other ways to make it less noticable?

Help with facial hair?

go behind ur parents back and do whats necessary to get it off (do it at a friends house or something). It's absolutely ridiculous ur parents would prevent u from doing that.

Help with facial hair?

you may want to look into laser treatments to permanently remove it. otherwise you will spend a lot of time and money that will costs you more than the laser in the long run.

Help with facial hair?

In the shower when they arn't looking shave it off! IT realy works. And it dosen't grow back thicker it just feels like it!

Help with facial hair?

i have the same issue. but if u can, u could pluck a little to see it less noticible or put lemon juice on it and then go outside to the sun for a little while to make the color lighter =]

Help with facial hair?

who cares what parents say. Their rules are made to be broken! Don't shave it off cause it'll only make thins worse. either bleach or wax. it might hurt but it's worth it!

Help with facial hair?

The mother in me makes me say this to you: have your parents explained to you WHY they won't let you get rid of your mustache? Is it because the hair above your lip isn't highly visible? Or do they just not believe in grooming? Try to get a good idea of exactly where they're coming from in telling you 'no'.

Now that I've used that disclaimer, if you insist upon breaking their rules then please DO NOT use nair or your face. Shaving facial hair not only causes it to grow back thicker (yes, it's true), but will eventually cause your face to have razor bumps and. That's worse than a beard!

Either pluck or wax. If you have to rebel, at least stay pretty. :-)

Help with facial hair?


Help with facial hair?

If they won't let you shave your face, then trim your moustache close with scissors.

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