Monday, April 23, 2012

Women with facial hair?

how the hek do you get rid of it? i didn't even have that much but i started bleeching it (joleen) and now the bleech is ineffective and the hair is darker and longer than before i started bleeching!!

Women with facial hair?

I use Sally Hasen's hair removal for face. I used to bleach, but the blonde hair just made it that much more noticeable.

It is possible that you didn't mix the stuff right or didn't leave it on long enough.

Women with facial hair?

how do you shape your eye brows? just do the same for the other hair.

Women with facial hair?

wax it

it doesn't hurt as much as you think it will

..well i dont think so anyway lol :) i use wax and cloth strips.. not ready to use cold strips because they are too harsh to use on facial hair

The name of the stuff i use is nads NATURAL hair removal gel

it lasts for around 2 weeks

any stray hairs just pluck out

Hope this helps :) Much Love from a fellow waxer ;) lol xxx

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