Well im 14 and i will be going to highschool next month (its an all girls school) and i have a mustache and its kinda dark. No one has made fun of me about it or even mentioned it to me, but it still bothers me...alot. The thing is that since im going to be around new people they might actually make fun of me. Yes ive heard that you shouldnt shave it cause it will grow back thicker/darker/quicker so shaving isnt an option. Im kinda confused about waxing thou. Some ppl said it will make the hair grow back thicker/quicker but sum said it will grow back in about 4 weeks and lighter/thinner. SO WHICH IS IT???Im still not sure about threading. Shud i wax or use a hair removal cream and how will they affect my skin??? Will my skin look lighter afterwards cuz my mom said my skin might look lighter after i get it waxed. By the way i hav sensitive skin. [[ KEEP UR RUDE COMMENTS 2 URSELF ]]
GIRLS ONLY - Removing Facial Hair?
do not shave it off!it will grow back thicker(unless you want to look like your dad).wax.its really easy just buy wax for sensitive skin and make sure its not too hot.it wont grow back thicker or darker.i've waxed for about a year and its never grown back thicker.you can buy a wax kit at Sally's they're everywhere .it might be a little expensive dependeing what type you buy, but its worth it.
ur skin will be lighter, because there was hair there before, but it will eventually blend in with the rest of your skin tone after about a week or so, but its better to wax now since ur at an all girls school and there wont be any guys to make-fun of you if it doesn't match ur skin tone by the time school starts.
GIRLS ONLY - Removing Facial Hair?
so to a beauty store and get bleach.. and bleach it it really works thats what i do!
GIRLS ONLY - Removing Facial Hair?
"Ohh Dang" is right!!
GIRLS ONLY - Removing Facial Hair?
when i used wax, i found out it made my skin turn slightly red, but it went away a couple hours/minutes later. the hair does take longer to appear, and in my case, it didnt come back neither thicker, or darker, or lighter, or thinner. it just went away for longer, and came back the same. Im getting it lasered tho, b/c waxing does hurt a bit, and im tired of waxing. it does work however, u just have to re-do it every couple of months. i once used bleach, and since my skin is also v. sensitive it burned ALOT, and then i was left with my upper lip a shade lighter then the rest of my face... i was mortified, it faded away a couple days later, i think only I noticed it... lol. Hope i helped!
GIRLS ONLY - Removing Facial Hair?
wax. a bit difficult, but you get the hang of it after a couple applications. try the sally hansen (or is it hanson?) wax strips. i have sensitive skin and it works really well. and actually, your skin will actually look a little red, not pale. just wax what you want once a day in the same spot and they hair will eventually not grow back.
an expensive, but effective way, e-pen (kinda like a shocker, but without the shock, pretty cool.) you have to use it for about a year for it to be positively, completely sure it will never ever come back. i use both, but i prefer the waxing, much cheaper and simpler.
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