Monday, April 23, 2012

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

Have you men noticed that if your shave your face more often, the faster your hair grows? or is this just a myth?

Personally, my leg hairs grow just as fast if I shave everyday compaired to say, weekly.


Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?


Your body has no idea how long your hair is. Think about it. Hair is dead tissue after it comes out of the follicle.

When a new hair grows, it is skinny and comes to a point. When it gets further out of your skin, it is thicker, diameter-wise. If you cut it off with a razor, you are cutting it off where it is thicker. That makes it SEEM like it is thicker after you shave, which is why the myth came about in the first place.

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

I don't know about growing faster, but it seems it grows in thicker the more you shave.

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

Totallyy truee, they also grow thicker too, its annoying sometimes

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

Complete MYTH. Everyone has different hair and it grows at different rates. Some people have very little hair all over their bodies while others have so much they spend a fortune on waxing every month.

Shaving, waxing or plucking will not make it grow faster.

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

I think at first it grows faster, but then it stays a constant rate, but does grow thicker to a point. I am really curious of why you were thinking of it, now you go me thinking of womens legs. Ha!

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

myth - it grows more as you age

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

like he said, thicker not faster. I think age has somethin to do with it, cuz I hafta shave every morning now, as opposed to freshman year (3 years ago) it took me an entire semester to grow anything remotely resembling a mustache, lol. Hope that helps with the insight!

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

Its probably just an illusion based on the fact that its more obvious growth at first as opposed to later on

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

depend on the area u shave

in the faces, the hair grow fast.

intimate part , not fast

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

Total myth.

By using the "shaving" logic you would think old bicycle racer's legs would have thicker hair on them. I'm an old bike racer. They don't

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

Myth AND fact. It varies from person to person, your age is a factor, and what sort of hair you have matters, too. For a few people, their hair will grow faster if they shave if often, but usually only to a point. It is never as extreme as people perceive it to be. People often mistakenly think their facial hair is growing more when they shave simply because they are tending to it more, and therefore are seeing the growth more upclose. For most people, hair growth is very consistent no matter what they do. That said, frequent shaving through time often results in more thick hair, but even that depends on a lot of genetic variables. Some people's hair simply grows thicker as they get older, and again they perceive it is because of the shaving, but it is merely the passage of time and changes in their bodies. Ultimately, it is more myth than fact, but there is some truth to it in some cases.

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

That is the biggest myth in men's history....along with foot-size.

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

I don't know about faster, but certainly more robust! Since I began shaving when I was 14, the hair on my face as gotten increasingly thicker! And in some spots there will be 3 to 4 hairs coming from one follicle!

When I shave, I use a norelco electric shaver and it some times boggs down when it hits these thick hairs! It's more like I mow my face then shave it, LOL! I have found I can not use a regular bladed razor cause it just grabs the hair and pulls! Plus my facial hair grows fast, I can have a decent beard after 5-6 days of growth!

Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?


Myth or Fact : Facial hair grows faster if shaved more often.?

that is a myth, it doesn't happen to me

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