Monday, April 23, 2012

I don't have facial hair! what's wrong?

i really really wanted to have that stubble since 13...and now i'm 17 and still i barely have a hair on my chin...what's going on here? no, i don't have any problems with having to shave every week/morn.

plus, are these hair-growth lotions effective?

I don't have facial hair! what's wrong?

Are you asian? Most of my asian friends are weak in the facial hair department. But like the other guy said, it's not a curse!

I don't have facial hair! what's wrong?

its prolly in ur genes.

i wish i was like u. i have to shave every freakin day and im only 18

I don't have facial hair! what's wrong?

you are probably a girl

I don't have facial hair! what's wrong?

thats how my boyfriend was. when he hit 19 or 20 his mustache and beard started growing and filling in alot. now he has gotee :) just be patient...itll come

I don't have facial hair! what's wrong?

My boyfriend always moans about this - don't worry though just think yrself lucky!

p.s you're only 17, wait a few years you will probably change

I don't have facial hair! what's wrong?

You just have less testosterone. Most guys find that when they first meet a girl they start to grow more hair! That's cause their testosterone boosts to try and attract the female!!!

also try shaving the spot you want to grow!

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