This problem is horrific, that is if you are the one who has it.
First; a derm, the same derm, was seen 4 times. Mostly he was more concerned about Fibromyalgia! Plus 3 different derms. were seen, and one was from a very well known high profile clinic. Again, Fibro was the topic of the day again.
No name for for the condition..,it irritates me so, how a good majority of the medical society seems to have this desire to be the "Fibromyalgia Conqueror". I did have laser txs by a derm. No help there.
Eectrolysist had the answer re what was going on.. Hair not growing through the skin, causing various adverse affects; thickening of skin, sebaceous cysts, stonelike pores, being of tiny hard white shiny "stones. It also causes follicules to have a white substance in them which makes it possible to strecth the skin and it will stay wrinkled and stretch for a bit of time. Creases and crevices are caused by the hairs.
Been 5-6 yrs now.
Help please! Noralyn
What would cause facial hair to lie flat underneath skin?
From what you describe it may be Pseudofolliculitis or razor bumps. Fairly common in African Americans. It occurs when hair curls and grows under the skin.
I suffer from it...and I'm surprised none of the Dermatologists you saw recognized's a common skin ailment.
If it's on the back of your neck get frequent haircuts and have the barber shave your neck.
If it's on your face the treatment varies according to the severity of the condition.
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