Monday, April 16, 2012

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

I am 13 and i am a boy and i hate having facial hair but my dad wont buy nothing for me to shave and he dont want me too.I asked him the first time and i thought he would be glad that i want too but he said no.I really need some help cause i hate it and it makes me look stoupid.M'kay so please anwser

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

do u look like a wolf man? if u dont then dont shave.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

use his stuff if you hate it that much

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

shave it and if he's mean about it then it's child abuse

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

That's weird. He should let you shave...adolescent boys with peach fuzz look silly...he should know that, he was a boy once.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

the only thing i can think of is to buy your own razors. either that or use his when he's not around. i have no idea why he wouldn't want you to.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Trust your dad!!!! I started shaving when I was 13, now I'm forty and I have to shave twice a day...its a pain in the a$s.......

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Talk to your dad

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

He's probably worried that you'll wind up cutting yourself cause your too young, your like a little baby. Give it a while or tell him how you feel, he might understand.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

don't shave yet because the hair will grow in coarse and bad looking, and you'll have to shave all the time then.

just let it grow until you have a beard then think about getting an electric razor, they are much safer. maybe your dad doesn't want you to cut yourself or he doesn't think you have that much facial hair

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

This happened to me surprisingly at the same age, 13. My dad finally agreed to let me shave at 16. It may be because when you shave the hair grows back faster. It may be some other reasons as well. Try and ask your dad why he doesn't want you to shave.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

My school rules state that you have to shave - do you do homeschooling, or does your school allow that? You might use that as an excuse!

Don't worry about facial hair - all guys have to deal with it, and it is a sign of being mature and responsible - be glad you get it early - shows your a "man"

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Easy fix, go to the store, spend $5 on a razor and shave. If he doesn't like it tough, its your damn face. He'll get over it.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Borrow it! Look around! go to some Social Service or Hospitals ask them to give you some. Then go to their bathroom shave and feel BETTER!!

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

That's weird.

My Dad showed me how to shave, and I know guys who's Mom have shown them if they didn't have a Dad in their life. That's not normal for him not to encourage you and show you. Most Dads like this time because it shows you are becoming a man. Sounds like he has some insecurities? Maybe he thinks you're growing up too fast? Regardless...

Find a friend, or a friend's older brother, or a friend's father and ask them to show you how to shave. Most guys use electric, I like to use a razor blade but you need to have someone show you so you don't hack your face up because once you get a nick it bleeds alot.

Maybe go online and find some websites that show you how to to shave.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Ask your dad what is the reason he is stopping you, and if he satisfied you then there is no need to shave otherwise, take a goat horn burn it with coal when it completely burnt out then grind it and mix with milk to make a paste, apply it where you want and leave it to dry and drop you will see the results and your father too, there will be no hair to shave...

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Show your Dad the answers on this site. He should always be listened to for he has your best interests at heart. No one here can judge how fuzzy your growth is etc.

Your Dad used to be in the same position as you on every level. He knows you better than you know yourself. Trust him on this he will be the first to tell you when to shave it.

don't try to rush and grow up cos one or two boys in the school are starting to look like men.

I was very slow to mature and used to pray to god to have hair in places and all sorts of stuff. I'm glad he ignored me. I look well young for my age and the ones who matured quickly are all much older looking than their true age.

I know a year seems like a lifetime but chill out and occupy your mind with lots of other stuff like sports, computers education, career. the growing up bit will happen at its own pace no matter what you try and do.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Try and ask him why- if its because he doesn't want you to cut yourself/ have it grow back, maybe ask him about waxing/ the hair dissolving stuff they sell in drugstores (I realize that this may sound a bit girl, but if its worth it not to have facial hair...)

Or just go to a drugstore and buy a cheap one. Or you could try your mom.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Once you start to shave, your beard will come in thicker and you will have to shave daily. Your father probably feels that you should hold off because according to my husband it isn't the most fun thing in life to do. If you have some particularly long hairs you wish to remove, cut them with a pair of scissors. They will grow back so be prepared to snip occasionally, but dont try to grow up too fast. Listen to Dad. OK?

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Don't shave he will have a titty fit! ask him why not and then try to compromise and agree on something tell him it makes you uncomfortable

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

did u tallk 2 him bou how u felt about it and how u were embarrassed or wahteva bout it? tell him that it sort of get on ur nerves n stuff n tell him dat u will be careful enuff to not cut urself. i started 2 shave my legs in 4 grade but dats cuz i had really hairy legs wen i wuz lil! now im 13 and its a pain in da butt...but id rather shave than hav gorilla legs! lol! just talk 2 ur dad nicely and dont be mean bout it. just explain 2 him dat ur not 3 nemor n dat its time dat u start growin up. sumtimes its just hard 4 parents 2 let go of ther kids. if he says no...just think of it this least he isnt 1 of those dads hoo let ther sons roam da streets n get girls pregnant evry day.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

Talk with him.

I am 13 and my dad wont let me shave my facial hair.I hate it but he wont let me.?

talk to him if that doesnt work then use his or buy your own

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