Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking lik

in other words what looks does the guy need to have or what specific facial features does he need to have to be able to look sexy with facial hair? because sometimes I think I look good with stubble and sometimes a bit more than that other times I think its dumb

and whats better facial hair or clean shaven or does it depend on the guy?

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

Really it depends on who your trying to attract... some girls love it others hate it. I would say a shotr beard with glasses is classy, and a 5 oclock shadow with a white tee is cool. Others, like my sister hate any facial hare on men. Try and think on the kind of girl you are aiming to attract.

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

no facial hair

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

Chiselled cheekbones and a defined chin, no double chin! But don't let the stubble get too long.

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

I personally before guys with either a little stubble or none at all. But it does depend on the guy.

Ask your friend what they think.

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

I personally like facial hair on a guy. I just think it's sexier then a clean cut guy. Maybe it's cause I like my guy to be a little ruff lookin lol. I don't think your facial features really matter all that much if you know how to work it. Really all that matters is what you're comfortable with.

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

clean shaven

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

if you look like a strong gust of wind could knock you over - stay clean shaved. But if you aren't a scrawny streak of piddle, and have a strong jaw - you can get away with it.

but please for the love of god dont do an elaborate silly beard thing that was trendy a few months back, try to go for something that suits your faces shape

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

Me personnally I like a clean shaven guy, but if you want the facial hair look make sure you still groom it by not letting it get to long and by keeping the lines of the facial hair nice.

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

i hate guys with facial hair.. make them looks messy and unclean.

i think gillette March 3 is good. shaves cleanly!

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

it depends totally on the guy..some look good with a clean shave,some look handsome with a french beard etc.It depends on the shape and structure of ur face..u can ask people whom u know(like ur friends,family members) to tell u which suits better on u...coz its difficult to judge without seeing u.

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

Its simple, facial hair is good if you have nice skin, sparkling eyes and white teeth, then it looks sexy, it looks a complete turn off if your clothes are shabby/ in need of a wash and you look a bit unkempt.

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

Well if i had a like facial hair man, he would have to have really green or really blue sexy eyes, and the hair longish, did yuu see, make me a supermodle, the man yuu won that, he was sooo sexay wif his hair !

Ladies what features does a guy need to have so that he can have facial hair with out it looking like a mess?

4 get ur hair


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