Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do hormones cause facial hair ?

I have to take hormones because if I don't I will not have a period. I have been taking them for 2 years and have noticed a strand or two of hair that grows on my face. I pick it out with my tweasers but noticed it did not happen until I started taking hormones.

Do hormones cause facial hair ?

Yes they can. Synthetic female hormones (Premarin, Provera, Cycrin, Aygestin ) are similar to natural estrogens and progesterones but not identical.

Since hormones send messages to other hormones and chemicals in the body we don't actually know what messages these impostors are sending. Long term effects have not been properly studied. As recently as 2004 a major study indicated that these fake hormones had less health benefits and more dangers than assumed.

There are theories that birth control pills and other synthetic female hormones might be causing or exacerbating imbalances with make hormones.

How do you know if the hormone you're taking is synthetic or an exact copy of your own natural hormones? How much did you pay for it? There's 98% chance it's synthetic. They dominate the market. You often have to search for a doctor to prescribe the real stuff, and they cost a lot more.

Do hormones cause facial hair ?

They shouldn't since you are taking female hormones.

Do hormones cause facial hair ?

Hormones may play a part, and maybe some genetics.

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