Thursday, April 26, 2012

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

I grow a small goattee and wondered if theres secrets to making it fuller or is it the same as regular hair- You do with what you have.

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

i dont know... grow up

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

Don't shave it off or tweeze it off.

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?


Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

shave it and it will grow super fast!

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

Drink lots and lots of alcohol

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

keep shaving the whole face it will make it thicker

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

use black shades instead!

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

your genes control facial hair

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

shave wat u do have and it will grow back thicker.

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

shave every day and you will see it grow in faster and darker every time you shave in time you wont be able to keep up with it. and dont wash face as much.

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

Miracle Grow - but you have to drink it.

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

yes,but it's a secret

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

I like the alcohol idea. But seriously dude, I'm wondering the same thing. Its just genetics, unfortunately. I'm 28 next month and grow real weak side burns, a small "soul patch" and a patchy beard. I just gave up. A friend with a similar problem did use an eyebrow pencil to color in his sideburns, and after about 2-3 months he finally had them.

Maybe Rogaine or one of those, but I doubt it.

Just be happy though: Most guys with good facial hair have hairy chests and backs, and for some reason they go bald and grow lots of nose hair and ear hair when they get older. Its like they use all the hair by growing it on their face and chests, so they have none left to grow on their heads. I'm happy that I don't have baldness in my genes.

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

I don't know if IT's true or not dude, but it seems to me that the more you shave, the fuller and thicker your facial hair becomes. IT also seems to get fuller and thicker as you get older. When I was 17, I tried to grow a moustache. It was the most cheesy thing you ever saw. I tried for months. Then I just shaved every day until I was about 20 and tried again. I'm 38 now, and still have that moustache and have grown several beards. Just be patient.

Are there secrets to growing more facial hair if you grow SOME facial hair?

Vitamins for hair growth

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