Monday, April 16, 2012

Facial hair...has anyone used those buffing pads for face hair or the facial depilatories?

when the hair grows back ...will it become stubbly like it does on your legs ...

can anyone recommend brands...thanks

Facial hair...has anyone used those buffing pads for face hair or the facial depilatories?

yes it does...and it also kills the skin inthe is just really fine sandpaper...and you'll be rubbing you skin raw...the hair grows back kinda weird...because it causes split will grow back thicker looking because the ends are not finley cut...i didn't like i used Sally hasens facial hair remover...really is a lot thinner now...

Facial hair...has anyone used those buffing pads for face hair or the facial depilatories?

i am a dark headed girl, and i suffer from upper lip facial hair. i used to get picked on at school so decided to use cream to get rid of it. my advice is stay away from them. i spend loads of money on them but they all ended up giving me the most nastiest rash ever. as for those buffing pads, i think they are a waste of time and money it rubs of half your skin so now i stick to plucking it takes longer but its worth it. hope i have helped

Facial hair...has anyone used those buffing pads for face hair or the facial depilatories?

I would recommend you either wax or use laser therapy.buffing pads and depilatories makes hair stubborn,thick and dark .however if you use the above metods hair will grow back lighter and less stubborn.


Facial hair...has anyone used those buffing pads for face hair or the facial depilatories?

The buffing pads are good for legs as they exfoliate them really well but they're a bit harsh for sensitive areas like the face. And those creams tend not to work very well and give you a rash.

If you can find a brad of the buffing pads made especially for the face the give them a try but very very gently.

My advice is go for waxing or bleaching. Waxing gets rid of it really well and if you get it done professionally it doesn't hurt very much at all (I should know!) and bleaching mean there's no spiky regrowth, and it's too light to see.

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