Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

There is some in the mustache area that I shave off and a TINY bit below my sideburns but not really noticable.... Any idea when (if ever) i will get facial hair? anyone else here late in getting it?

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

Everyone develops theirs at different times

don't be so hasty otherwise you will look like some old beardy guy

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

im 19 and i dont have a full blown goatee...its genetic...just leave it will happen whenever

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

Umm... well if you shave it-it won't grow.

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

relax its such a bore to shave everyday

be a man on the inside ... eh?

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

Don't bother waiting. I know people who are just hair-lees and I know others who are very hairy. But you are at that age where it will start growing but it might not fully start growing until around 18 years old.

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

Don't sweat it chicks dig a baby face. Stubble can kill the mood.

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

Hmmm... maybe you are one of the guys that use your hormones for other things...

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

Everybody is different.

Why are you in a hurry?

shaving can be a hassle sometimes.

some guys like me did not start to grow hair on my face until i was 19 yrs of age but everywhere else was growing on time... lol

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

facial hair is not sexy most of the time so be you dont have to shave

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

don't waste your time worrying over facial hair - or hair on any part of your anatomy; some races (like native Americans and the Inuit) have no beards); it's genetic usually; the only other reason for the lack of hair is medical (either you underwent a treatment with side effects on hair growth or you had a medical condition or disease that affects hair growth as a symptom);

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

I for the life of me can't see the big deal.. your going to be shaving soon the rest of your life, and, i raised 6 boys and 2 girls.

Think of it as saving money on razors for now.. your lucky!.

Shaving for both males and females (leg shaving) seems to be almost the first right of passage into adulthood.. later, all too often to be something you wished never happened. nicks, cuts, forgetting to shave for important moments, like job interviews / dates.

By the way some people don't get facial hair .. lucky ducks..

usually by 18 many men wished they never had to shave.

Everyone is different.. Your you, everything comes in it's own time..

by the way, many women who have reached menopause, know what it's like too to have to shave their faces.

And, it ain't no picnic!

Enjoy your youth while you can, cause nature never turns back the clock..

have a happy life! : )

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

Well,who's a lucky girl then!

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

The guy who said Native Americans don't have beards is very WRONG. One of my best friends is Indian and he's had facial hair since he was a young teenager.

I'm 16 and two months from 17 and I still don't have facial hair yet?

it is not serious but tell me did u get pubic hair very much important and do u get morning erection and do u ejaculate , if is it thenb ok

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