Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

I am a man who has a goatee and I wonder when I see women who have as much or more facial hair to me and they aren't at least lesbians. I know this because I have seen them with men or with their children. Are you telling me there are men who find this attractive? With electrolysis or laser hair removal, why would any woman have to have that much hair. Let's not even get on the subject of women with hairy legs!!!!!

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

I've got to agree here, it's pretty nasty. Also the only people I see objecting here are women and probably hairy unattractive ones at that. Or they are too cheap to spend money for electrolysis and laser hair removal or if they can't afford it, too lazy to wax or pluck. There is no excuse for some of the women I've seen with disgusting whiskers on their face. I also think that the OP meant that "If a woman isn't a butch lesbian" then she has no excuse having facial hair.

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

you do realize that everyone can't afford laser hair removal,right.

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

My guess is they are only interested in attracting people that are more interested in who they are on the inside than what they look like on the outside.

That or maybe they can't afford a decent way of removal.

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

You must have a really weedy-looking goatee.

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

LMFAO...its not saying much for you if your admitting girls have more facial hair then you...

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

I have hairy legs. :)

Most women have facial hair. They just use creams/pluck/wax their hair out. It is very painful and a lot of women just don't want to deal with it. Not to mention that electrolysis is very expensive.

Not everyone can afford it.

Believe it or not, some people don't care what you think. They live their lives blissfully unaware that you're looking at them in disgust.

I have a question for you! Why don't men get their chests waxed often? I mean I think a hairy chest is a BIG turn off. Don't get me started on men who wear stained clothes!!!!!!

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

If you find this so troubling, by all means offer to pay for the electrolysis or laser hair removal. It's EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!! Oh, if you don't like hairy legs, don't go to Europe dude. You'll be disgusted!!!!!!!!! Leg shaving is a cultural thing. I think that the U.S. is the only society so obsessed with leg shaving.

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

First why do you assume that as you put it "butch lesbians" have facial hair, quite an inane statement.

Second it could be the woman's preference, it could be cultural, it could be not financially reasonable or a medical condition. A woman is not unhygenic who has body hair, i personally don't yet that is my preference; although there are times when i am not able to be hairless (except my head).

If you are only looking at this aspect than it is sad, as you are missing out on what true beauty is.

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

Since when did lesbianism have anything to do with facial hair? I've dated women who ran the gammut from never-shave-anything to must-shave-and-wax-constantly and I almost always date rather butch women.

Interesting, that a man with facial hair (eww) should make such a comment, yet the beaches are crowded with men who look like they are wearing sweaters.

To each their own. Beauty IS truly in the eye of the beholder, but you sound rather ugly to me...

Why do women who aren't "butch lesbians" keep a large amount of facial hair?

I'm sure they are aware they have hair, but not everyone cares what other people think. The women of this world do not exist to be your eye candy. If you don't like the way someone looks don't look at them. No matter what you think they aren't going to change themselves to please you.

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