Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

what is more attractive ive only shaved twice before and got a peachfuse should i shave it so it grows back like a mans hair?

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

This is a common myth, shaved hair only appears to grow back thicker and darker because it doesn閿熺但 have the fine pointed tip that new hair would. The stubble just makes it appear thicker until the hair grows out.

This myth also comes from the observation of men閿熺氮 facial hair. As young men began to shave, their facial hair would in fact grow in thicker. However this was related to puberty and not a result of shaving. Once men reach maturity the amount of facial hair remain relatively the same.

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

I like the younger NO hair for me!!


Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

shave it

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

Facial hair

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

yer let it grow back

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

No Facial Hair!!!

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

I shave, so my wife will shave. When I was single it didn't bother me either way. It's yo thang, do whatcha wanna do.

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

no facial hair is that best.. LoLZ

if you're the macho type then maybe yesh..

but if you're the cute and happy go lucky type then No..

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

shave until it starts to grow back rough and thick....then let it grow a lil bit then join the CAROLINA HURRICANES!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO GO, CANES!

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

You can shave it all you want... it doesn't have any effect. It will stay fuzz until after you reach puberty. So, put daddys razor down and stop playing with sharp objects or I'll tell your mother.

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

What matters is simply looking good!!

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

I love a clean cut man...but if you can pull off the grungy sexy look then all the power to ya....!

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

personally i would prefer no facial hair

it only looks good on some

if you only have peachfuzz that isnt very noticeable, wait till the hair actually stars to grow in

of course if you feel better shaving it so you know its not there go ahead

how old are you? if you are older than i am assuming maybe you'll never have facial hair if thats possible

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

It looks pretty when you shave facial hair so I think it is better to shave it.

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

as long as they dont look like grizzly adams its all good

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

no.. it looks a heck of a lot better to be cleanly shaved.

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

let it grow facial hair is sexy on a man

Facial Hair Or No Facial Hair?!?

facial hair

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