Monday, April 16, 2012

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

how do you get rid of female facial hair .

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

Its your hormones, go to the doctor, and ask him, he will probably give you more estrogen.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

Electrolysis or laser hair removal.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

I'm laughing, because a doctor once asked me if I had a lot of hair growing anywhere on my body. A blood test showed that I had a lot of testosterone in my body. Maybe that's why I was so good in sports as a woman. But hair growth is usually genetic and often relates to your ethnic background. If you can afford it, electrolysis can take care of it, but it takes a lot of visits.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

My mom has that problem and she's a little older than you.

She waxes if off and it's normal to have facial hair. It's some syndrome or whatever but 80% of all women have it and people are born with hair on their faces! so no worries. But waxing or threading is easier. Of course you could get a laser treatment but make sure it's a licesned official doctor.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

You Wax or Pluck.

Using a razor makes it come back thicker and darker

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

if that's your only symptom why not try a facial hair remover? Easy to use. If you have other symptons, talk to your Dr. Probably hormonal changes that can occur any time after 40. but it could be something such as a thyroid condition so it's worth looking into.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

Decreasing estrogen levels. Your body produces Testosterone continually throughout your life, but estrogen is dependent on your ovaries. If you have polycystic ovaries, you can also develop facial and excess body hair.

To remove it, you may wax, shave or have electrolysis or laser removal.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

Hormones. I understand I am over 40 and have a few that I take out. Waxing helps keep it at bay for awhile. When we get into the menopause stage these things and other things are very common.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

aging/loss of estrogen causes facial hair.

Im an adult female over the age of 40. the problem i have is facial hair. what causes it .?

If it's not a medical condition and you can afford it laser is the best and most permanent. If you have gray or blond hair it might not work as well. The consultations are free.

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